
A degree in Music Theatre and Opera

Preparing outstanding music theatre and opera artists

The Music Theatre and Opera program in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre is committed to preparing outstanding music theatre and opera artists for professional careers in the 21st century.

Our program offers expert individual and classroom instruction, the production of operas and musicals, student-led workshops, new work development, research opportunities, community engagement, and multiple professional collaborations.

The BMus in performance with a concentration in music theatre is an intensive, performance-oriented program. Training includes private voice lessons every semester of study as well as specialized instruction in acting, dance, audition techniques, technical production, repertoire classes, scene study and performance.

The MM degree program in voice, music theatre, and opera performance provides intensive practical training and performance experience to prepare students for a broad range of professional careers. Students choose to audition for a degree emphasis in performance, opera, or music theatre that guides their course of study and performance opportunities.

Learn more about our Music Theatre and Opera program.


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Music Theatre and Opera undergraduate degrees


Performance (Music Theatre), BMUS

performance voice singer

Performance (Voice), BMUS

Music Theatre and Opera graduate degrees

music performance dma

Music Performance, DMA

singer singing

Performance (Voice, Music Theatre, Opera), MM

Music minors

students playing trombone

Music Performance, Minor

students dancing on stage

Music Theatre, Minor

students playing instruments

Music, Minor

Explore all areas of study

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Meet our Music Theatre and Opera faculty