Piano practice rooms

Piano performance practice rooms are available without charge to all ASU School of Music, Dance and Theatre piano performance, collaborative piano and jazz piano students. These are located in the Music Building on the second floor of the east building. Each room is equipped with a grand piano. Please consult with the faculty in those areas for guidelines concerning their use.
Experience the space
Unsanctioned teaching by students in University facilities is strictly prohibited by the Arizona Board of Regents (Policy 5-303 Prohibited Conduct #16 and Policy 5-308 Student Code of Conduct F. #9) and subject to disciplinary action. Unsanctioned teaching includes but is not limited to any instruction (e.g. private lessons or classes) for personal income using School of Music practice rooms, classrooms, and/or instruments. In addition, the following is excerpted from the ASU Academic Affairs Manual ACD 123 Misuse of University Assets policy:
ASU is responsible for the appropriate use of its assets. In substantiated cases of misuse of those assets, it is the policy of the university to obtain full restitution, to impose administrative sanctions, and to refer violations of criminal statutes for prosecution. “University assets” are items of tangible or intangible property owned by ASU [and] include buildings, equipment, furniture. “Misuse” includes the illegal use of university assets that result in gain to the individual or a third party and no benefit to the university. Examples include but are not limited to using university assets for personal or non-ASU purposes; acts that reduce the value of university assets, and have not been expressly authorized by ASU.
Please observe basic security while using practice rooms. Do not leave personal items unattended and check for personal belongings when you vacate the room.
Off-Campus Music Rehearsal Spaces
We frequently receive requests for access to our practice rooms and rehearsal spaces from members of the community who are not currently affiliated with the School of Music. While we are delighted to know of the many people engaging in music and seeking rehearsal space, we unfortunately have very limited practice space and must reserve this space for our students who are paying tuition and extra fees to utilize our spaces. We have 50 practice rooms and over 750 music majors and non-majors enrolled in lessons, and we are not in a position to grant access to individuals not enrolled in music classes.
Here is a list of rehearsal studios that rent space in the Tempe metropolitan area:
Band Oasis Rehearsal Studios
Mind’s Eye Rehearsal Studios
Premier Studios
SER Soundworks
Underdog Studios
Sara’s Place-A Piano Studio