Special events and conferences
In addition to the hundreds of performances featuring students, faculty and guests each year, the School of Music, Dance and Theatre also hosts a selection of annual events, including workshops and performances, festivals and more.
Middle School Honor Band
This one-day annual event in the fall provides students in grades seventh through eighth the opportunity to work with guest conductors, receive instruction from ASU faculty and students, tour campus and perform on the stage at ASU Gammage.
Educators are encouraged to recommend up to 10 motivated students per school who are currently in seventh through eight grades. With balance as a central factor, at least one student from every school that submits nominations will be selected.
The 2024 ASU Middle School Honor Band for grades seventh through eighth grades included guest conductors Erin Cole Steele and Joyce McCall, instruction from ASU faculty/students, campus tours, and a performance on the stage of ASU Gammage.
Information for the 2025 ASU Honor Band day will be announced at a later date. To view sample information from the 2024 ASU Honor Band day, click the link below.
Middle School Honor Band details and registration

Erin Cole Steele
Assistant professor of music learning and teaching
Director, Division of Education at Conn Selmer
Joyce McCall
Assistant professor of music learning and teaching
Jason Caslor
Director of bands and associate professor
Jamal Duncan
Assistant director of bands and assistant professor
Questions? Contact Jason Caslor at jason.caslor@asu.edu.
Be A Music Major
Ever wonder what it’s like to be a music major? Join us in experiencing a day in the life of an ASU music student.
Friday, Oct. 18 | 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Be a Music Major day is free an open to all high school students. Visiting high school students will
Attend and participate in classes
- Interact with music majors
- Visit the Tempe campus

Conducting Workshop
Geared toward wind band teachers of all levels, including aspiring graduate students, this three-day workshop offers significant podium time with the ASU Chamber Winds, one-on-one time with the clinicians and sessions in score study, movement and more.
Friday, Oct. 25–Sunday, Oct. 27
The 2024 workshop features guest clinicians Dr. Stephen Peterson and Dr. Elizabeth Peterson along with Jason Caslor, director of ASU Bands, and Jamal Duncan, associate director of ASU Bands. The event also included a Q&A, a chamber winds and conducting sessions, breakout sessions and more.
Conducting workshop details and registration

Stephen Peterson
former director of bands
University of Illinois
Elizabeth Peterson
former director of bands
University of Illinois
Questions? Contact Jason Caslor at jason.caslor@asu.edu.
ASU Piano Pedagogy Day
We invite you to join us for the School of Music, Dance and Theatre's ASU Piano Day. The annual ASU Piano Pedagogy Day, in collaboration with the Arizona State Music Teachers Association, is a full day learning filled with guest artists and clinicians, presentations, Q & A sessions and more.
The fifth annual ASU Piano Pedagogy Day will be held on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024.
For event details and registration

Questions? Contact Hanna Creviston at hannah.creviston@asu.edu.
Sol Motion Community Dance Festivals
Each year, the ASU Dance department welcomes the community to campus to celebrate dance and culture. Registration is FREE and all events are open to the public.
Sol Power 2024: Oct. 30–Nov. 1
Arizona’s hip-hop and related communities come together for Sol Power. This weekend-long event celebrates hip-hop culture, including DJs, emcees, graffiti artists and dancers. Sol Power is an empowering opportunity to celebrate the culture and creative intelligence within communities of color. This event is free and open to the public. Contact Jorge “House” Magana if you have questions about this event.
Sol Rhythmz: March 21–23
Sol Rhythmz focuses on the dance traditions of the Senegambia region and the emergence of the dance forms within the diaspora, specifically looking at the Caribbean. Participants will take a journey through dances from West Africa to the Caribbean. This day-long event features workshops, a panel discussion and a social hour with live performances, a DJ and vendor booths. Sol Rhythmz pushes to highlight the dances, the people, the culture and traditions practiced and developed from the involuntary and voluntary migrations and immigrations from West Africa to the Caribbean and the Americas. Contact Shola K. Roberts for more information on this year's event.
Latin Sol 2025: April 11–13
ASU celebrates Latin social dance with Latin Sol. Founded in 2017, the festival is a three-day event composed of workshops, lectures, evening social dancing, dance performances and more. Latin Sol brings artists from out of state, providing varied teaching perspectives and encouraging crossover interactions between multiple dance communities. Hosted by the ASU Salsa Club and designed primarily with the ASU community in mind, Latin Sol also welcomes participation by outside members of the dance community. The event bridges these communities and encourages a unification of all dance lovers. See the full schedule and register online for this free event at latinsolfestival.com.

High School Theatre Experience Day
Experience a day as an ASU Theatre major! Participate in technical theatre, design and acting workshops, take a backstage tour, and learn from student designers, actors and technicians. Plus, you'll have an opportunity to register for complimentary tickets for upcoming productions.
This event is recommended for high school students interested in pursuing theatre in college. Parents/guardians are welcome. We can also accommodate high school theatre troupes. Registration is limited, so save your spot early!
Nov. 12, 2024 | noon–4 p.m.
Feb. 17, 2025 | noon–4 p.m.

Questions? Email music@asu.edu.